Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Grocery Store Staples: Foods to get attached to, Part 3

Two types of fat free diets:

"I only eat low or fat free, packaged foods." How many overweight people do you know on this diet? There's a connection between why obesity is an epidemic and the popularity of 'fat free' foods and diets. 

“She’ll have the salad, squeeze of lemon… and the water.” Have you even had a dry salad and been left completely unsatisfied, disappointment reflecting at the bottom of the bowl? Even with lean protein – you’re not going back for more of that… off to the ice cream bar! 

You’re ache for more flavor and a fulfillment will not going unheard. Your brain craves fat because it is a vital part of our diet – especially for organ support and allows the body to absorb necessary nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K.

Low fat and Fat-free doesn't necessarily mean its healthy!

Just like the other macronutrients we’ve discussed, when consumed correctly and in the correct form, unsaturated, can aid in weight loss and a complete a nutrient rich diet. Conversely, not consuming trans and saturated fats can lower your blood cholesterol and decrease your risk of heart disease. For an explanation of the difference between the three types of fat click here.

Friendly Fats that should be in your shopping cart this week:

Cold pressed olive oil is great on salads or for cooking.

Nuts: Dry roasted - salt free nuts like Cashews and Almonds make for a satisfying snack.

Nut butters: I prefer almond or cashew butter, Check the label! Ingredients should read: Nuts - Period. If there's anything else, like sugar... get a different brand.

Fish: Tuna and salmon are my favorite!

Avocado: A mild flavor and creamy texture can fill your fat craving...try on that salad instead of cheese or in tuna salad with some greek yogurt rather than mayonnaise!

Fat doesn't have to be scary… negative thoughts that reject the idea of fat in our diet create a painful experience that inevitably leads to overeating and frustration. Make nice with your food: eat the correct types, eat the correct portions and you're body will love you for it.


For nutritional supplementation try...

Cod liver oil - contains high levels of vitamin A and D as well as EPA and DHA which are important Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for brain and nervous system function.

Flax seed oil - contains high levels of vitamin B, fiber and Omega-6 and Omega-9.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Grocery Store Staples: Foods to get attached to, Part 2

Welcome back my dear friends!

In continuation of our Grocery Store Staples, we've got some great clean healthy food options to get hooked on. Diving head first into our next group of delicious dining options to keep you fueled throughout the day and keep your health and waistline in check. This week we are talking...

Complex Carbohydrates!

Contrary to this new belief that 'carb' is a four-letter word, when eaten in the correct form (complex rather than simple), carbohydrates become an integral part of your nutritional plan and your wellness. (For more information on the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates click HERE.) 

Why you need them

Plain and simple, carbs are sugar. When consumed in complex form they are digested slowly and are responsible for providing over half the amount of energy we get from our food each day. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, this important food group promotes healthy bodily functions such as, heartbeat, digestion and body movement. 

What to buy

Grab some yams! - grilled, baked or mashed and smashed... adding cinnamon and dates makes for a sweet escape.
Get fruity - Berries are the lowest calorie option but an apple or banana post workout will help replace the glycogen (sugar) in your muscles to aid in recovery. 
Keep Wholly graining - Whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice are great options. (Check out my killer oatmeal recipe.) 
Beanies - Lentils: try mixing with brown rice and caramelized onions. Garbanzos: Hummas anyone? Black, white, yellow and red... Great sources of protein and carbs!

Because of their dense nutrient rich structure, you will feel full longer - Hit this food group at breakfast to fuel your day and try not to grub on them after dinner to keep that tummy in check. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Grocery Store Staples: Food to Get Attached To - Part 1

What do you see first when you stroll into the market? 

The natural flow of the store puts you directly in the produce section... So many options of GREEN - Yet how much of your cart is filled with food items in boxes, packages, wrappers and cans?


In the next few weeks we are talking about grocery store staples that need to be in your cart - every week - replacing processed and/or frozen foods that are lacking proper nutrition for your rockin' body. 

Check out this fun photo as a good way to get your mindset into healthy shopping:

(Oh, by the way, YOU deserve to feed your body nothing but goodness... because you are GOOD - and you are what you eat.)

Staple #1: Dark leafy greens

Why buy organic?

The soil in which organic vegetables are grown is nutrient rich and the plants are pesticide free... therefore the items harvested taste better and are full of the nourishment intended for our bodies. Buying organic also supports local farmers.

The price of organic foods can be a bit higher than fits our budgets on a regular basis, but there are a few items that we should always buy organic to reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals.

What to buy:

Spinach: Raw, steamed or sauteed... always have it!
Asparagus: Great broiled, grilled or steamed and acts as a natural diuretic.
Kale: Use in shakes, steam it, saute it.
Broccoli: Great raw or steamed!

Alright GNS followers... Due to technical difficulties this blog post has come to an abrupt close via iPhone. I hope the information I've included (prior to the tragic death of my laptop/VCR/coffee table) has been informative and I will conclude our segment on the importance of greens as a staple in your diet as soon as I am up and running again. Video included as I cannot include attachments with this application. My apologies!

Go get something green to eat :)