Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today is Wednesday and also it is Friday...

So its hump day... at least its not Monday, right? WRONG! Everyday has the potential to rock like a Friday and as far as I'm concerned, there are no rules, written or otherwise stating that you can't put on your favorite spring heels, a feel-good outfit and be the happy, healthy, beautiful human being you were intended to be.

7:30am - Snooze button awareness time!

I'm shootin' it to you straight, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning for my workouts. Not-at-all. Thankfully, I had already told two people that I would be in the gym at 8:30 and on the trail for a run at 10. (Thank you accountability partners, Alex and Cassie!) However, when I finally got going, I didn't feel like a rock star in my gym outfit and the bags under my eyes told a story of excitement and partying that held zero truth to the actuality of my life. But I made breakfast, packed a gym bag and hit the pavement.

So what if you wake up and you're just not feeling it like me...? Train yourself to. It is NEVER too late to make a positive decision for your life and be thankful that you, in fact, have another day to love the life you've been blessed with. In the book, Every Day a Friday written by Joel Osteen he explains how important it is to practice being thankful and in turn happiness will come. I am only about six chapters into the audio version, (Hint: Download audio books to your iPod or phone and listen to them during cardio stints.) but I have already bookmarked several places worth remembering.  These are two of my favorite quotes so far, "You cannot complain and praise at the same time." - Awesome. And, "At the other side of adversity is reward." Whether it is yourself telling you that you're not good enough or don't deserve greatness from life or others realize right there is a chance to end the negativity, be thankful for how blessed you really are and choose JOY... You will undoubtedly be rewarded in the long run. You're heart will be so full you wont have room for frustration and disappointment.

Someone once taught me that MINDSET IS EVERYTHING! Teaching yourself to be in a better place mentally and emotionally has a learning curve, but practice it until is the norm and there is nothing that can stop you. You're going to feel how you want to feel every second of every day. What a gift! No one and no situation can change how you feel unless you allow it to. Get into the habit of being joyful and thankful regardless of your circumstances.

So what can you do today to start practicing joy and thankfulness and be proactive in a healthy lifestyle?
1. Remind yourself at every opportunity that you DESERVE to be joyful and let your heart be thankful.
2. Remind yourself again. With sticky notes, magic marker on your forehead, iPhone reminders... ect.
3. Eat clean foods that encourage a clear mind.
4. Exercise - The only bad workout is the one that doesn't happen... So get movin'!
5. Rest when you need it.

In closing, I always do what my Yogi Tea tells me... and tonight my Relaxed Mind tag read, "May your mind learn to love with compassion." I would like to think that refers to loving yourself as well. Be kind to yourself because you are worth it. (Also, drink caffeine free hot tea in the evenings for a calorie-free craving-cutter ;-P. )

Good night friends! Remember to message me with any questions or suggestions you may have. You're opinion matters...

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