Saturday, March 31, 2012

F words and Egg whites

Today my heart is full.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of joy so fiercely that while peaceful, it's almost overwhelming enough to make you cry? I am filled to the brim with thankfulness for the opportunities that have knocked on my door this week. So grateful for friends, new and old, that bring a smile to my face. Proud to be who I am in this moment regardless of my shortcomings.

In the knowledge that it is possible to feel this euphoric, why in the past had I spent so much time allowing negative "F" words to shape my feelings? Failure, frustration and fear outlined who I was and in turn effected my decisions. Negativity was a plague taking over my life. Ever experienced this in regards to yourself?

  • You feel like a failure because you're not where you thought you would be in life by now.
  • You're frustrated because you've achieved or posses everything in life that society defines as successful and yet you are empty. 
  • Fear is breeding negativity and has left you powerless in your own flesh.

Good news: There is a cure. 

All it takes is a shift in your mindset. Take steps towards a happier, healthier you in spite of 
     fill in the blank      . What is stopping you?

Its time to take back the wheel of your life. Failure, frustration and fear are no longer an option.

Find new words/feelings to define how you're going to treat yourself every single day.

  • Focus on what you desire and deliberately practice living your life with an intensity that breeds success and joy.
  • Take hold of your future and trust yourself. Be who you dream about being without second guesses.
  • Experience fulfillment through gratitude, kindness and loving others unconditionally.
A fire is growing inside you. Fan the flame... Don't let negativity smother it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. -David Ogilvy

Do you have dreams and aspirations? I woke up one morning a little over a year ago and realized that I didn't dream anymore. And not in the sense of dreams while you're sleeping... I didn't have a passion for my life. I had no strong desire or longing for an exciting future. I allowed frustration, roadblocks and what I thought were failures to dictate my story as a safe, sad and boring one. 

Thankfully with a firm push from a family member, I had an awakening. I realized that I deserved to take action towards a better life in spite of my past let-downs and frustrations. From here on out, every single day I had a choice be on a different path.

Ok, Lauren... Step one: Who do I want to be and what do I want to do?

How exciting is it that at any moment you can ask yourself this question? Everything that happens after that thought is another chapter in the story of your life. So make it a REALLY good one! Whats stopping you from writing the next Twilight or Hunger Games?

This very second - you're ready and able to write a lasting story you'd be proud to tell. How are you going to get there? 

Lets start with the basics. Set some goals for yourself.


  [gohl]  Show IPA
the result or achievement toward which effort is directed;aim; end.
the terminal point in a race.
a pole, lineor other marker by which such a point is indicated.

1.  target; purpose, object, objective, intent, intention. 2.  finish. 

What is one thing you've been dying to accomplish? Write it down.

Our goals become the chapter titles to our story and the words that fill the pages are what we do on a daily basis to achieve them. Accomplishing them become a part of who we are. 

Its going to be an exciting journey, but realistically, you will get writers block. Some days its going to be REALLY hard (and sometimes scary) to see your goals to fruition. In those moments, you have a choice to feel differently. Be present. Recognize what is happening neurologically and emotionally when the goals that become a part of who we are seem out of reach. Fear and frustration are two lethal killers to our dreams and goals...tell them to buzz off!

In November of 2011 I wrote down a goal for myself. It read, "I want to live a life so interesting that I could write about it - and people would read about it." I stumbled across those words this morning in my notebook and realized, however few my readers are... I'd reached that goal. Nothing compares to the euphoric feeling of accomplishment! This small goal wasn't in the front of my mind on a daily basis; I am not a strong writer or English buff. however, after I recognized the dream and wrote it down, it lived inside my heart and fed my desire to start this blog.

Now its your turn. Get excited about your story and share it with others.

**Health and fitness plug!** I recently read a few articles on what happens on a chemical level in our brains that effects the stability of our moods which in turn effect our actions. Science has shown that exercise boosts the release of Serotonin and Dopamine, the neurotransmitters that help us feel stable and act as motivators. (Check out this article for more information: When you feel good, its easy to feel motivated and excited.  Can exercise help with your writers block?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Get Trained!

Many of my friends have been asking me lately how it was that I started my body transformation. I woke up one day and realized how bored and unhappy I was and decided to make a change. I needed some goals, and I need them to be for ME. After deciding to go the fitness route, I found my trainer, Karen Mullarkey with "No Mullarkey Personal Training" online and my life has not been the same since.

After spending some time in the gym with Karen, I remember thinking to myself that someday I wanted to be like her. Outspoken, proud to be in my skin, fun-loving, aware of my talents... all of these things were in my heart begging to be set free but I had let years of life beating me down hide my true colors. She had a fire inside of her  that spoke to me. Since February of 2011, I have trusted her indefinitely with all of my fitness goals. Not only has she helped me train, compete and place in two NPC competitions, I have learned an immeasurable amount about health and fitness. A lot of which I will be sharing with you! (Sorry Karen ;) )

Long story short, if you're interested in changing your lifestyle and want to learn more about healthy nutrition and exercise... find an expert. Become a student of health and fitness like I did and see how your life and attitude changes. If you're interested in training with the VERY talented Karen Mullarkey, visit her website at or check her out on Facebook!

I understand how it may not be feasible for some of you to go this route, try looking into Jamie Eason's Livefit Trainer and check out her free online guide on

And please ask questions here and maybe I can answer them for you!

Happy Thursday!

Today is Wednesday and also it is Friday...

So its hump day... at least its not Monday, right? WRONG! Everyday has the potential to rock like a Friday and as far as I'm concerned, there are no rules, written or otherwise stating that you can't put on your favorite spring heels, a feel-good outfit and be the happy, healthy, beautiful human being you were intended to be.

7:30am - Snooze button awareness time!

I'm shootin' it to you straight, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning for my workouts. Not-at-all. Thankfully, I had already told two people that I would be in the gym at 8:30 and on the trail for a run at 10. (Thank you accountability partners, Alex and Cassie!) However, when I finally got going, I didn't feel like a rock star in my gym outfit and the bags under my eyes told a story of excitement and partying that held zero truth to the actuality of my life. But I made breakfast, packed a gym bag and hit the pavement.

So what if you wake up and you're just not feeling it like me...? Train yourself to. It is NEVER too late to make a positive decision for your life and be thankful that you, in fact, have another day to love the life you've been blessed with. In the book, Every Day a Friday written by Joel Osteen he explains how important it is to practice being thankful and in turn happiness will come. I am only about six chapters into the audio version, (Hint: Download audio books to your iPod or phone and listen to them during cardio stints.) but I have already bookmarked several places worth remembering.  These are two of my favorite quotes so far, "You cannot complain and praise at the same time." - Awesome. And, "At the other side of adversity is reward." Whether it is yourself telling you that you're not good enough or don't deserve greatness from life or others realize right there is a chance to end the negativity, be thankful for how blessed you really are and choose JOY... You will undoubtedly be rewarded in the long run. You're heart will be so full you wont have room for frustration and disappointment.

Someone once taught me that MINDSET IS EVERYTHING! Teaching yourself to be in a better place mentally and emotionally has a learning curve, but practice it until is the norm and there is nothing that can stop you. You're going to feel how you want to feel every second of every day. What a gift! No one and no situation can change how you feel unless you allow it to. Get into the habit of being joyful and thankful regardless of your circumstances.

So what can you do today to start practicing joy and thankfulness and be proactive in a healthy lifestyle?
1. Remind yourself at every opportunity that you DESERVE to be joyful and let your heart be thankful.
2. Remind yourself again. With sticky notes, magic marker on your forehead, iPhone reminders... ect.
3. Eat clean foods that encourage a clear mind.
4. Exercise - The only bad workout is the one that doesn't happen... So get movin'!
5. Rest when you need it.

In closing, I always do what my Yogi Tea tells me... and tonight my Relaxed Mind tag read, "May your mind learn to love with compassion." I would like to think that refers to loving yourself as well. Be kind to yourself because you are worth it. (Also, drink caffeine free hot tea in the evenings for a calorie-free craving-cutter ;-P. )

Good night friends! Remember to message me with any questions or suggestions you may have. You're opinion matters...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Come one come all...

Welcome to Gravel and Stilettos!

Have you ever had your favorite pair of heels on, looking and feeling amazing, and suddenly you're teetering on an uneven surface that leaves your confidence in the drain grate your heel slipped into? We've all been there. Well its time to put on your combat diva boots and show life who the boss is!

My name is Lauren and my purpose for starting this blog is to share thoughts and answer questions about nutrition, health and fitness as well as discuss how to love and live life to the fullest regardless of the blows we dodge on a daily basis.

Disclaimer: I am new to the 'blogging' processes and could use any advice you have. Please feel free to let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions!

Topic #1:    How about some structure for 1st meal?

As, some of you know that I just competed in my 2nd NPC bikini A division competition last Saturday... It was amazing! I felt fit and beautiful and ran home smiling with 2nd place. I met every goal I set for myself - What an awesome feeling of accomplishment. Also, I could not have been more proud of my "No Mullarkey" team that rocked their divisions as well!

But lets get down to business... Dieting for a show (AND eating clean in general) involves some serious structure and commitment. And when the situation presents itself and you're allowed to play, when is it time to pull the reigns in?

I had originally said I was going to take the post-show week off from my diet and the gym. What a reward for months of dieting and countless hours in the gym! Well, by Tuesday I was back at Gold's Gym lifting legs with a good friend and was back on my nutrition plan by Thursday. After just a few days of cheat meals, drinking and lack of sleep I was feeling anxious, depressed and pretty bloated :-P It took me a moment to realize what was happening and make a decision to get back on track. Don't get me wrong, I'm easing back into the process of meal prep, cringed a little as I bought 16 cans of tuna and had a long discussion with the StairMaster prior to stepping on... But the fact is, my body has become accustomed to the way in which I've treated it throughout the years. Good or bad. And when you eat clean and lift mean you're body begins to expect that from you. The feelings of anxiety were my bodies way of reminding me that things had gone awry and it was time to get back on track.

For me, being healthy and fit is a lifestyle choice. When the daily structure of eating clean and exercise is shaken up a bit, I believe it is natural to have some unsettling feelings. No one wants to live in chaos! Even if that chaotic environment feeds certain desires... Its important to remember the role that having structure in your nutritional and exercise plans plays in mental and emotional health and make that CHOICE to be a better you.

Egg white oatmeal for breakfast anyone? YES pleaaasee...