Sunday, December 30, 2012

21 Day Challenge - Go find YOUrself.

Why challenge yourself? Why push yourself to the limit? .....Because you might just find YOUrself in the process.

Creating a challenge in your life inspires the person you think you are to become the person you were meant to be.
It has been proven time and time again, that when you create a situation that threatens normalcy - it can be uncomfortable because you are forced to change. Changing - becoming something new.
change   [cheynj]  Show IPA verb, changed, chang·ing,noun.
verb (used with object) make the form, naturecontent, future course, etc., of(something) different from what it is or from what it would be ifleft alone:  
I has also been proven that the real world happens outside of your comfort zone. Force yourself to stretch and you have no choice but to reveal a renewed version of you that you will - without doubt - be proud of.

So what makes your a little sick-to-your-stomach to think about doing? 

Vicki Garcia ( told me about a year ago that I should be doing something every week that makes me feel like barfing. If its uncomfortable - do it anyway... I was amazed to watch my life, my REAL life, manifest itself into existence before me. I was strong enough to grow and no one can ever take that from me. Ever experience being powerful? Its addicting.

It takes 21 days to break and/or create a habit.

For 2013, I'm taking 21 days out of January to be completely alcohol and gluten free. Why? Because I'm curious to see what a difference I'll feel. Neither of these items are regularly in my diet, however I know I'm capable of anything I put my mind to and pushing myself to change and become better version of me is totally worth it.

Whatever it is for you - breaking a habit, creating a new one, doing something you've never done before or doing something you do everyday differently - pick something and start planning! 

Heres how:

1. Make a list of those things that pull you out of your comfort zone and challenge you mentally. 
2. Choose ONE to focus on.
3. Figure out why this one specific thing is important to you and create a mindset around it being ultimately compelling to achieve.
4. Discover what road blocks you can see getting in the way or triggers that might hinder your success.
5. Invent ways to avoid these situations at all costs. Your life depends on it.
6. Visualize what could be possible after you complete the challenge. 
7. Surround yourself with images, notes, texts... anything that reminds you of reaching your goal. 
8. Take it one day at at time and reach out for support if you need it. 
9. Reward yourself - Affirm your strength and dedication to yourself.
10. Repeat steps 1-9 ;)

Raise the stakes. Be the best you. Get inspired wellness. - Lauren Rae

Grilled Salmon Burger with Mashed Acorn Squash and Green Bean & Broccoli Slaw with Almonds

What you'll need:

Frozen salmon burgers from whole filets
1/2 bag of broccoli slaw from Trader Joe's
1/2 bag of fresh cut green beans
2 tbsp sliced almonds
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
2 acorn squash
Almond Milk
Grade B maple syrup

Slice your acorn squash in half and remove seeds. Place inside-up on a baking sheet and drizzle each piece with the grade B maple syrup. Poke the halves with a fork and let the syrup down into the holes. Bake at 350 for 1 hour or until soft enough to scoop out of the shell. While the squash is baking,  heat up your grill! When the squash is done, scoop out of the shell (AFTER they are cooled of course) and mash together in a bowl adding the desired amount of almond milk until smooth and creamy.

Heat coconut oil in a sautee pan over medium-high heat and add green beans. Cook until almost done and add the almonds and broccoli slaw and cook until they are soft. I like to add cayenne and salt-free seasoning... I also sometimes add minced garlic for an extra kick! Get creative and add seasonings that you like.

Grill your burgers to desired temperature, pair with your side dishes and enjoy :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Paleo Perfect Abs: Your fool-proof guide to healthy eating

Nothing says fancy like fresh herbs....

So as I'm preparing my new favorite side dish - L-Rae's Paleo Perfect Spaghetti Squash - I got to thinking... Why do people find it so hard to eat clean? My meal prep for the week never lasts longer than an hour and I'll be damned if prepping for clients (i.e. 20+ meals at a time) has ever taken more than 2 hours. Grocery shopping is an annoyance that happens to everyone. So while you're there, why not get food that's going to give you energy, heal and nourish your body and get you those abs you've been dying to see?


Registered Dietitican, National Mens Physique competitor and personal trainer extraordinaire, Tim McComsey is famous for saying, "Diet is 80% of the battle when it comes to weight loss. If you're not seeing results and you're working out... chances are somethings gotta change in your diet."
We need protein, fat and carbs in our diets in varying amounts depending on our goals. Do you have any idea what your ratio looks like? If not -- Keep a food diary for 3 days... It might surprise you.

I generally follow a Paleolithic Diet...  basically a hi-protein, hi-fat, glorified low-carb diet. Is it the answer for everyone? No. has it and does it work for me? YES! Click here to get the book

Based on the diet of our ancestors, this dietary guideline consists of foods that could easily be hunted or gathered during paleolithic times. For example: All natural meats, nuts, berries, roots ect. NO dairy, NO refined sugar and NO added salt, chemicals or preservatives. This diet has worked wonders for many people because it emphasises the importance of a clean diet of healthy fat and protein.

Sounds confusing and pretty restricting if you've never done any research on it so....

Here's a fool-proof guide to healthy eating:

1. Know what you want before you shop

You're more inclined to eat something that sounds and tastes good. Know what you're hungry for and plan your shopping list accordingly. Practice using foods that are easy to prep and taste great hot or cold.

2. Choose wisely


Foods that follow your meal plan
Food items that are on your prewritten shopping list
Green Leafy vegetables
Lean all natural animal meats
Healthy fats: Almond butter, coconut oil, avocado.
Food that consists of less than 10 ingredients (And you should be able to pronounce them all!)

Don't Buy:

Food items that are in a bag box or can (Exception: Organic food items such as organic canned beans.)
Food that has more than 5grams of sugar
Foods that markets "Fat-free" or "Sugar-free"
Food that your grandmother couldn't have gotten 60 years ago
Food that your grandmother wouldn't eat. Period.

3. Make time to prepare

Schedule an hour 2 times a week to cook your meats and sides ahead of time. Having healthy, lean options pre-made will help you from eating out or grabbing something unhealthy on the go.

4. Be prepared

Pack your food for the day and bring it with you - wherever you go! 
**How I donned my nick-name Snack-Pak**

5. Plan a meal to reward your dedication to healthy eating

Have a reward meal once a week. Its GOOD for you... and it will keep you motivated to keep your head on straight and work towards your goals the rest of the week. 
No one ever accomplished anything without sacrificing something else.
Do something good for yourself already. Determine your goals, make a plan... and get to it!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Day: 5 Simple Steps to keeping to your fitness goals.

Another year has passed and its time to gather with friends and family for some fun, football and FOOD.

What have you been waiting all year to eat? I LOVE stuffing and pumpkin pie, but I’ve planned my weekly diet around my plans to indulge this holiday... Don’t let one day blow all of your hard work by following these simple steps to keeping to your fitness goals on Thanksgiving.

1. Keep regular meals outside of Thanksgiving Dinner in line with your current nutritional plans and goals.

DON'T SKIP breakfast! If you usually have eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, have egg whites and pass up oatmeal and any fruit. Keep on schedule and have your nutritional small meals 2-3 hours apart. When its time for turkey and all the fixins, ENJOY! Eat mindfully, enjoy every bite as you would any other reward meal, then get back on track. Any remaining meals or snacks, consume as your nutrition plan states.

Need a nutritional meal plan? Click here for holiday pricing and discounts...

2. Do some sort of activity the morning of to get the blood flowing and calories burning.

Get your family outside for some healthy competition. Flag football, ultimate frisbee, boot camp? Get outside, get active and start burning some calories before the big feast. 
For a fat BLASTING workout to get into Thursday morning click here!  

3. Minimize alcohol intake.

Eating outside of your usual calorie consumption is going to happen this holiday. That being the case, minimizing alcohol intake can keep healthy digestion on track. Because alcohol inhibits digestion (and therefore calories consumed are stored) our body will always attend to purifying the body of harmful alcohol toxins if it has to choose between that and digesting food.

4. Drink a lot of water.

Healthy digestion also requires adequate amounts of water. In order for your body to carry out toxins, burn fat and lubricate organs and joints, you must make hydration a priority. Not only will you cut cravings and get fuller more quickly, you’re replacing minerals lost during activities. 

5. Use your stored energy from Thanksgiving Dinner to blast major body parts in the gym on Friday.

Plan your workouts accordingly this week. Because you're going to be indulging in extra calories and carbs, use the stored energy to get an awesome workout the next day. Focus on major body groups like legs or chest and back. Do super sets with heavy weights and 20-30 minutes of interval cardio post workout.

Whatever you choose to do this Thursday, sticking to a plan will help keep you on track towards your fitness goals. Implement these 5 important steps during the holidays and come up with New Years resolutions your actually interested in following through on without the distraction of those extra pounds.

I want to wish everyone and all of the GNS followers a very special, happy Thanksgiving day. Don't forget, everyday offers the opportunity to be thankful for our blessings, relationships and so much more. Living with a heart of gratitude brings forth more joy, patience, love and LIFE than you've ever imagined. Now go work hard and enjoy your holiday!!

Best creamed cauliflower... EVER!

I can't take credit for this recipe -- but you better believe I'm bringing this to our Thanksgiving get-together.

Inspired Wellness by Lauren Rae

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Your thoughts are in the drivers seat. Do you know where you are?

Where are you?

If you answered that question you could answer referring to your physical location as well as your mental state. What I'm interested in knowing is where are you in your life? Are you living out your life in the past? Are you absolutely focused on your future? Or are you here, in your life experiencing its richness, here and now?

Stop whatever you're doing and contemplate your current actions. 

Whatever you're doing is a representation of where your goals and priorities lie. (This goes for every moment of your life, whether you like it or not.)

Are you in the gym? Are you contemplating calling your parents? Are you reading in your field of work or study? Are you taking a nap? Are you on the ultimate distraction -- Facebook?

Whatever your current actions, its not that what you're doing is either right or wrong. Your actions are just an inclination into where your thoughts are. Taking the time to become present to your actions is just an opportunity to become curious about why you chose to take that action in the first place. Every action is a choice, even INaction is a choice. 

Now check in with yourself emotionally. Are you happy? Sad? Irritated? Bored? All of those are also a choice. I'm not saying that your feelings are bad or good.... Just another clue into where your goals (thoughts) are.

Now you're going to say to me, "Lauren - No way this is true! I don't WANT to feel frustrated and annoyed. I'm tired because I'm tired... Thats IT." What I have to say to you is, nothing happens accidentally. If you're unhappy with where you are in physical action or emotionally, something is driving you towards that (and vice versa). Perhaps its to prove to yourself that you are lazy and not good enough. Maybe its to prove that you are strong and capable. I don't know - You tell me. All I know is that when I am being true to myself and in the present moment, I know who I am and I love myself. And that is where your life really happens. When you can love yourself wherever you are and still impact the surrounding world in a positive light - You're in your life and your LIVING it.

Every moment you're alive IS your life. Not the past and not the future... So if you find yourself where you are and decide if its where you want to be.

Before you go anywhere else copy this travel-ready recipe down!

If you are in the mood for a travel-ready meal in your on-the-go life, try this healthy and easy chicken or tuna salad.

What you'll need:

2 boiled chicken breasts OR 2 cans of tuna in water
1/2 c sliced red grapes
1/4 c sliced pecans
2 tbsp finely diced red onion
2 tbsp non-fat Greek yogurt
2 tbsp hummus
salt free seasoning of choice for added flavor (I like to add a few dashes of tobacco or cayenne to spice things up.)

Add it all into a bowl! (If you're using chicken, shred it completely before the remaining ingredients.) Stir together and throw either in an Ezekiel Wrap or Tupperware and pack with some of your favorite whole grain chips.

Get Inspired Wellness :) Lauren Rae

Friday, November 2, 2012

Artificial Sweeteners: Silent KILLERS!

Halloween might be over... but watch yourself, your health is STILL in jeopardy! Liquid, solid or syrup... what is making your food and beverages sweet could be eating your brain and turning you into a zombie

Don't believe me? Keep reading...

Low carb diets have sparked a trend in sugar watch -- But are artificial sweeteners the answer to your sweet tooth cravings? NO! (Not unless you want toxin filled foods, over stimulated and dying brain cells, digestive issues, the generation of free radicals and the possibility of degenerative disease that is....)

You scared yet? Check these commonly used artificial sweeteners:

Aspartame - 

Would you like the pink or the blue? 50% Phenylalanine, 40% Aspartic acid, and 10% Methanol, aspartame causes rapid firing of brain neurons and can potentially cause cell death. When consumed in the packaged form, aspartame is a solid toxin. Diet soda addict? Perhaps you're addicted to the excessive neuron firing and NOT the soda or caffeine itself.

Splenda - 

AKA - Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than sugar with no calories. Marketing Splenda as a 'natural' sugar substitute has made it a leader in artificial sweeteners worldwide. What people don't know is that it was discovered in a chemistry lab that was formulating new insecticides. Uhh yeah. It is actually the opposite of a natural sugar substitute and is classified as a cholorcarbon

Sugar Alcohol -

Sugar alcohols are the ingredients in many sports supplements and 'low carb' protein bars. These are the ingredients on a food package that end in "-itol." Including mannitol, erythritol, xylitol and sorbital. This low to no calorie form of sweetener can lead to extreme digestive upsets like, bloating, flatulence and diharrea as well as long-term issues like IBS.

So - What can you do to fight becoming an artificially sweetened zombie?

1. Read labels. On everything... be curious! Look up ingredients and their effects on your health.
2. Put DOWN the boxes, bags and cans that have a list of ingredients you can't even pronounce.
3. Eat fresh, raw natural food as it was intended to be consumed.

I do use Stevia or SweetLeaf as it is a no calorie sweetener derived from a plant and, for the moment, considered to be safe to use. 

Vanilla Creme and Irish Toffee are GREAT in coffee as well as in oatmeal, shakes and many other recipes.

Thats INSPIRED WELLNESS by Lauren Rae! Check out my facebook page and twitter for more fitness, nutrition and lifestyle tips.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Spooky Good Protein Pumpkin muffins - Have to try em...

Everyone is pumpkin obsessed this time of year. Including me! Pumpkin is high in fiber and a great addition to recipes savory AND sweet. Ever had it in a shake? Try adding it to vanilla SunWarrior protein with almond milk, a shake of cinnamon and nutmeg, and some vanilla Crème stevia... It's like PIE!

This recipe was a success so I thought is share it with you! If you want to indulge in some candy but not go overboard - try it my way! I changed it up a little and added one Hersey Kiss to the center of 8 muffins. Sprinkled pecans on the other 4. Which one is better!? Hmmmmm......

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
By BFL Team

9 egg whites
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup pumpkin puree
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 1/2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
12 packets Splenda® sweetener or Stevia powder, to taste
40 semi-sweet chocolate chips
Cooking spray


Preheat oven 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients (except chocolate chips and
cooking spray) in a blender and blend well. Spray muffin tins (use a tin that makes six
large muffins) liberally. Fill each cup 3/4 full. For each muffin, put four chocolate chips into batter, so that they go into the middle of the muffin, then place the four remaining
chocolate chips on the top. Repeat for each muffin. Bake 20 to 22 minutes on the
middle rack.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What do you do when you can't...

Today's been an interesting one.

I rarely write about personal situations - however, I think you can relate to the events of today too.

I have a pile on my desk growing with toll tag tickets, bills, receipts, more junk and more work to be done. My brain is full and unrelenting, energy is down, coffees not helping and now it's time to go be 'human' in front of clients and coworkers. My day started early with a walk and healthy breakfast and has ended with no workout and an afternoon filled with mindless snacking and unchecked 'to-do' boxes.

Clearly today isn't working for me... Step one: Identify what isn't working, take responsibility, forgive myself, and decide how to do better next time. Only problem is even I can't decide what's wrong?! I checked in with my sister about my constant unfulfilled cravings dramatic aimless wandering and she said... "Maybe you're not craving food."

DUH! I wish I had thought of that... So this is what I AM craving:
- a nap
- water
- a hug
( ...on a Tuesday? Really? Already?)

And as simple as stating her name, my sister says, "So go take a nap. Get a hug. Drink some water." This offered a reminder -- maybe what I think I should be doing is so far out of reach because I need to attend to myself first.

So what do you do when you can't do anything you think you should be doing?? Do what you CAN do. There's always something.... Even if its just closing your eyes and breathing.

Don't bother beating yourself up... acknowledge your capabilities and your strengths. Zig Ziglar says, "Failure is a detour - not a dead end street. Yesterday really did end with last night and today is a BRAND new day."

So practice being good to yourself, because YOUR opinion of yourself is the most important. Listen to your body, your mind and soul... Then give them what they want. You'll be happy you did.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

5 Foods for Bad Skin

So lately my skin and I have been at odds. "I'm too old for zits!" I scream to anyone who will listen! 

Ever said that before? Ever wanted to sandpaper your way to a clearer complexion?? 

A trip to a the dermatologist might be overkill, but a trip to a esthetician is out of the budget. Now what?

A healthy diet could be the answer to your complexion woes... Get more of the following foods into your diet to reduce inflammation, redness and blemishes!

They myth has been debunked! Eat cocoa - Dark chocolate contains high levels of flavenoids and antioxidants that can benefit skin enormously. 

If your acne is prompted by unruly hormones, whole grains are a dietary must. They are low on the glycemic index which helps to reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin - the master of all hormones.

Fish contain high levels of omega-3's and EPA's which are critical to the promotion of healthy skin. An important role of EPA is that it helps inhibit the production of androgens – hormones that produces sebum in hair follicles. Excess production of these sebum results to oily skin, leading to acne and other skin problems. (Remind me to never say SEBUM again. Gross.) Try eating more fish, or supplementing with cod liver oil.

Deep red and purple foods such as beets as well as pomegranate have high levels of anthocyanins and are high in polyphenol antioxidants which help maintain blood flow to the skin, promoting optimum cell turnover which is crucial to glowing skin.

Nuts like walnuts also contain omega-3 essential fatty acids, which can improve skin's elasticity. Certain nuts are also loaded with copper, a mineral that boosts collagen production. 

Drink Green Tea. It's very high in antioxidants, particularly one named EGCG, which has been proven to reduce redness.

Do you have any helpful tips for beautiful glowing skin? Leave a comment and let me know!

Recipe time... ;) posted this face mask recipe. I'm going to give it a try!

To have a healthy glowing and smooth skin use this recipe (Sounds easy enough...)

Blend 4 - 5 leafs of fresh mint.
Peel and de-seed the cucumber.
Add mint leaves to the cucumber to make a puree.
Beat egg white and keep it separate, then add this egg white to the cucumber mixture.
Apply this evenly on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it with water and pat it dry.

Not only does it smell amazing... it offers a cooling, relaxing sensation for winding down after a long day!

Check out for more natural ways to stay healthy, happy and beautiful in a rocky world.

Disabled World - Disability News for all the Family:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to burn fat with a KALEidoscope of healthy options

A balance in nutrients and a properly working digestive system can fall under the radar of importance when people begin a weight loss plan. However, without the proper proteins, fats and carbohydrates... and the ability to absorb them, the odds are stacked against you. You're brain and body play tricks on you in search for required nutrients and without the proper knowledge -- There's a good chance you'll fall victim to cravings and be left frustrated on square one of the scale.

So what are a few absolute non-negotiables when considering a nutritional diet to enhance fat loss?

Protein is the building block of YOU! Every cell in every organ and muscle of your body is controlled by protein and therefore is an essential part of a nutritional diet. A complete amino acid profile creates a complete protein that keeps you functioning properly, building muscle and burning fat. You can get protein from several sources, try a couple of these lean proteins daily:

  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Ground Turkey
  • Eggs

Green leafy vegetables are an absolute MUST if you want to burn fat, build muscle, fight off disease and lead an overall healthy lifestyle. Calorie for calorie, green vegetables are the richest source of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The darker the green, the richer in nutritional content! Try a few of these next time you're feeling green:

  • Kale
  • Chard
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli

Healthy fats are essential to the absorption the essential fat-soluble vitamins that we receive from our greens (like vitamin A, D, E and K) in addition to helping control hunger, promoting a healthy digestive system and protecting your organs. Stock up on these healthy fats:

  • Fish oil (Krill oil or Cod liver oil)
  • Cold pressed olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Flax seed oil

Carbohydrates provide a vital source of energy, brain function and play a major role in a balanced diet. complex carbs can prevent heart disease and diabetes by providing many healthy nutrients and fiber. Not convinced? Carbohydrates are also crucial to building and maintaining muscle which in turn burns fat. Keep these slow-burning carbs on hand:

  • Whole wheat
  • Quinoa
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Brown Rice

As always, if you're considering a change in diet, contact a health professional like a medical doctor or registered dietitian

One of my favorite recipes is derived from the Tuscan Kale Salad at True Foods Kitchen in Scottsdale, Arizona. Try their recipe -- then try mine!

I generally follow a paleolithic diet and therefore have changed a couple of the ingredients to create the Lauren Rae Paleo Kale Salad for Champions (Newly named and loving it.) 

Try it out... You're SURE to love it - or your money back!

What you'll need:

6 cups of kale, midribs removed (Italian black kale is awesome, but regular organic kale does the trick...)
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
2-3 Tbsp Almond flour/meal - toasted lightly in a saute pan
Garlic, 1 clove fresh or garlic powder to taste
Salt-free seasoning to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste

How to prepare:
Whisk together lemon juice, garlic and spices in a separate bowl. In a saute pan, add olive oil and kale on low to medium heat and coat all leaves. When the Kale begins to wilt, add it to the lemon juice and garlic dressing and toss until all leaves are covered. Sprinkle toasted almond meal on kale and toss one more time... and BINGO! Lauren Rae Paleo Kale Salad for Champions in your belly.

Add a grilled chicken breast and a serving of steamed quinoa and you, my friend, are on your way with every necessary nutrient for a happy and healthy body.

For more recipes, fitness advice, home remedies and more, add me on  and twitter @LaurenRaeLIFE :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Superfood Obsessed: If you are what you eat... why not be super?

I am fascinated by food.

The beautiful array of colors, the different smells specific to a world of cultures, the endless combination of flavors... Its safe to say that I have an obsession with all things culinary.

Aside from the sensory overload of fresh, rich ingredients, there's a whole group of foods that is so incredibly GOOD for you.... Its called SUPER-food.

So - If you are what you eat... why not be super?

Lets talk today about the Gogi Berry.

The dried Gogi berry is absolutely delicious. A rich coral color (due to its incredibly rich carotenoid content - containing more than any other known food source) when dried, becomes a beautiful addition to shakes, salads, desserts and much much more.

In addition to having more beta carotene than carrots and more vitamin C by weight than oranges, the Beijing Nutrition Research Center found that Gogi berries also contain 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, vitamin B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. Theses super berries also contain essential fatty acids, iron, fiber and protein!

[Lauren Rae Rule: Only go for snacks with less than 5g of sugar.]

For being so little they are jam PACKED with nutrients. It is a fruit and therefore contains more sugar than most healthy snacks (which is something I like to keep an eye on). However, 1/8 c makes for a great snack and contains only 6g of sugar in addition to all those rich nutrients!

I'd usually insert a fabulous recipe here -- but I just eat these suckers right out of the bag. You can purchase them at any Whole Foods as well as online.

Add Gogi berries and get INSPIRED WELLNESS with Lauren Rae :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3 Weight Loss Secrets

Too many hours in the car and sheer boredom and you'd find me playing the "-ation" game. I don't remember who taught it to me, but MAN do I love beating people at this game! The goal is to list as many words as possible that end in "-ation" until there are none left... and I win again.

I thought I'd do a spin on this game and discuss 3 issues that can inhibit fat loss and even cause weight gain:

Inflammation ~ Hydration ~ Constipation


The foundation of disease... the secrets out, inflammation is making us fat and sick! 

Inflammation is a tricky subject so bare with me. Taken directly from, Angelo Druda teaches us that, "Excess sugar in the blood stream causes the pancreas to excrete excess insulin. Regular ingestion of sugar causes the body to become resistant to insulin's sugar clearing effects. Since insulin promotes the storage of fats, weight gain quickly ensues. With little more than a teaspoon of sugar a day, inflammation levels begin to significantly increase. Elevated levels of inflammation dramatically accelerate degeneration in the body and can lead to a host of cell damaging diseases, that greatly reduces longevity."

Powerful stuff... motivation to read labels and set down the soda!

Foods that act as a natural anti-inflammatory 

  • Omega 3 fatty acids and other healthy fats and oils such as:
    • Fish oil, olive oil, caster oil, grape oil, coconut oil, ect.
    • Flax seeds, avocado and salt-free nuts
  • Fruits that are low in sugar and leafy green vegetables such as:
    • Berries, broccoli, chard and spinach
  • Protein sources such as:
    • Plant based proteins like legumes, nuts and seeds
    • Lean poultry, fish and seafood

Foods that cause inflammation

  • High fat meats
    • Red meat, bacon and sausage
  • Sugar
    • Pre-sweetened cereals, beverages, desserts, ect.
  • Highly processed foods: 
    • Refined white flours, bread and pasta
(L-Rae Rule: If its in a box, can or bag -- DON'T EAT IT)
Become aware of the causes and symptoms of inflammation and introduce foods into your diet that will fight it naturally.


We've all heard of 'water weight' and its effect on the scale. Are you using it as an excuse for your weight? Either way - It can be controlled.

One of the biggest reasons for water weight gain is dehydration. Consuming your body weight in ounces is the general rule to getting enough water to keep our bodies working properly. (For example, I weigh 110 lbs so I practice drinking a gallon of water each day which is 128oz) If it seems over whelming, break it into smaller sips throughout the day. 

Any extra water you're consuming today is better than yesterday, right??

Benefits of hydration include:

  • Joint lubrication
  • Assists in removing toxins from the body
  • Increases mental focus and performance
  • Helps energize the body
  • Keeps skin looking and feeling young
  • Assists in fat loss
In addition, thirst is generally misinterpreted as hunger.... so DRINK UP!


Everyone has experienced it, no one likes it. You could be walking around with several extra pounds. Does that make you full of...? Never mind. 


  • Inadequate water intake
  • Inadequate fiber in diet
  • A disruption in or inadequate exercise or mobility
  • Excessive consumption of dairy products
  • Stress
  • Medications
Whatever the cause of your discomfort, it is important to identify it and address for many health reasons.

(Now that you've read 3 Weight Loss Secrets... Share the wealth! Facebook and Twitter love to see my GNS blogs :) Keep Rockin' - Lauren Rae)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

5 minute checkin to awareness

Have you ever felt lost? Frustrated with yourself? Work is mundane, your relationships are struggling, there's never enough time or money... And don't even get me started on health and fitness!! Everything and everyone begs for your attention - you're spread too thin, and continually forget about your compelling future.

We've all been there! When I find myself getting distracted from my goals, commitments and dreams... I realize it's time to check-in.

Awareness is defined as: noun
1. the state or condition of being aware; having knowledge; consciousness.

I have made a commitment to living a clean lifestyle - yet halfway through a piece of chocolate wedding cake last night I came to a screeching halt and thought... Wait a minute! This isn't a working part of my meal plan! I immediately felt guilt and 20lbs heavier. How can an inanimate object cause me a bad feeling?? It can't. I was letting my thoughts fuel bad feelings that had nothing to do with the food itself.

Will chocolate cake kill me? No.
Is it in my nutritional plan and will it help me reach my fitness goals? No.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all
About moderation... BUT if the actions you choose don't work FOR you, chances are you haven't been specific in your awareness of your goals and desires. And you're not choosing thoughts that inspire self improvement and overall wellness.

After I forgave myself for indulging unconsciously, I took 5 minutes to become consciously aware of my thoughts and feelings and wrote down my goals. At the top of the list I wrote: What am I committed to?

Commitment is defined as: noun
1. the act of committing.
2. the state of being committed.
3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.

What are you committed to? If you don't know, it's time to figure it out.

Chances are that everything in your experience you've asked for one way or another... So if you're unhappy and you don't FEEL GOOD - becoming aware of your deepest desires and honoring the steps towards attaining them is the most important thing you can do.

Here's how you can practice a 5 minute checkin:

1. Set a timer, if you can Facebook for any amount of time, you can practice self improvement for 5 minutes.

2. Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself, "In this moment - how do I feel?" Then practice respecting your feelings regardless if they are negative or positive. Be honest and kind with yourself.
Ex: I feel badly for eating chocolate cake because it does not work for me and the lifestyle I've chosen and does not help me reach my goals. How can I do better next time?

3. How do you WANT to feel? CHOOSE thoughts that will result in that desired feeling.
Ex: I am a capable fitness Professional! This minor sidetrack has the potential to help others choose different actions.

4. Now determine how you are going to get there.... Write down the goals you desire to reach and BE SPECIFIC!!

If you want to learn to surf be the end of summer, consider time, money, diet, fitness, sleep... Ect. And start with thoughts that will spark positive action immediately.

Do you have 5 minutes? Try it now!

Joy is abundantly flowing -- tap in!

Life is an INCREDIBLE blessing and we have been designed to enjoy our experience and share it with others. Checking in with yourself and your commitments periodically can fast-track you to a joy filled life.

For more information on how you can discover your desires and reach goals that continually build YOUR compelling future, please contact Lauren Rae at - For Gravel and Stilettos specials, Please mention GNS812 in your email subject!

And always remember:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

6 Ways to Address Hunger

Clearing the blur between Emotional and Physical hunger

Lets discuss something that affects each and every one of us: The battle between understanding emotional and physical hunger - and properly addressing it. 

Food is on this planet to nourish our bodies and provide the fuel we need to keep living. However, not all food is created equal and if we have health, wellness and fitness goals – frozen pizza and beer isn’t going to make the cut anymore. 

Emotional Hunger

We eat for emotional reasons because we have a ‘need’ to FEEL better. Fat and sugar target the pleasure center in our brain and tend to temporarily heal emotional discomfort. Not to forget – alcohol… *sugar* in drug form that acts as a pretty great distraction from poor feelings. However, afterwards the issues are still ever-present and now we have a stomach full of toxic food and drink that adds to the snowballing feelings of guilt, shame and discomfort that leads to another failing fad diet. 

Emotional hunger happens quickly.

Be ready to address it. Its an ‘all in your head’ quick fix to a thought or feeling you’re having as a result of something that’s happened. If you’re craving foods that will make you feel better rather than foods that will fuel your body, you’re probably not physically hungry.

Physical Hunger

Food is GOOD. We need food for energy and to maintain healthy (fat-burning) muscle tissue and healthy organs. Don’t get me wrong, I love food – maybe more than most. That being said, there are ways to enjoy nutritionally bountiful meals when you are physically hungry that aid in you reaching your health, wellness and fitness goals rather than disrupting them.

Physical hunger happens gradually.

You start to feel that slow progression into awareness that its time to eat. Its probably physical hunger telling you its time to eat if you’re sensing physical cues like the little pang of hunger - followed by a kitten purr in your stomach... until there is a lion roaring in your gut! Understand that eating is necessary. There is no guilt, shame, remorse or negative feelings involved when you address physical hunger with nutritionally sound meals in proper serving sizes.

6 Ways to Address WHY you're hungry

Hints that you may be emotionally hungry:

-The feeling of hunger is experienced above your neck. (You’re mind is swimming with thoughts of sugarplums and emotionally pleasurable food.)
-You’re ‘checked-out’ emotionally and are experiencing feelings that don’t feel so good and have thoughts that food or drinks will make you feel better.
-You are avoiding something uncomfortable by putting your focus on food.

How to know if you’re physically hungry:

-The feeling of hunger is experienced below your neck.
-Its been 3+ hours since your last meal.
-You can hear your stomach barking at you for fuel.

How you feel is everything. If you don’t feel good and life is hard… and food causes you pleasure followed by pain that disrupts your mindset, lifestyle and your goals, its time to get back to the basics. Check in emotionally. Be aware of what is causing you to feel poorly and address it. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Grocery Store Staples: Foods to get attached to, Part 3

Two types of fat free diets:

"I only eat low or fat free, packaged foods." How many overweight people do you know on this diet? There's a connection between why obesity is an epidemic and the popularity of 'fat free' foods and diets. 

“She’ll have the salad, squeeze of lemon… and the water.” Have you even had a dry salad and been left completely unsatisfied, disappointment reflecting at the bottom of the bowl? Even with lean protein – you’re not going back for more of that… off to the ice cream bar! 

You’re ache for more flavor and a fulfillment will not going unheard. Your brain craves fat because it is a vital part of our diet – especially for organ support and allows the body to absorb necessary nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K.

Low fat and Fat-free doesn't necessarily mean its healthy!

Just like the other macronutrients we’ve discussed, when consumed correctly and in the correct form, unsaturated, can aid in weight loss and a complete a nutrient rich diet. Conversely, not consuming trans and saturated fats can lower your blood cholesterol and decrease your risk of heart disease. For an explanation of the difference between the three types of fat click here.

Friendly Fats that should be in your shopping cart this week:

Cold pressed olive oil is great on salads or for cooking.

Nuts: Dry roasted - salt free nuts like Cashews and Almonds make for a satisfying snack.

Nut butters: I prefer almond or cashew butter, Check the label! Ingredients should read: Nuts - Period. If there's anything else, like sugar... get a different brand.

Fish: Tuna and salmon are my favorite!

Avocado: A mild flavor and creamy texture can fill your fat craving...try on that salad instead of cheese or in tuna salad with some greek yogurt rather than mayonnaise!

Fat doesn't have to be scary… negative thoughts that reject the idea of fat in our diet create a painful experience that inevitably leads to overeating and frustration. Make nice with your food: eat the correct types, eat the correct portions and you're body will love you for it.


For nutritional supplementation try...

Cod liver oil - contains high levels of vitamin A and D as well as EPA and DHA which are important Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for brain and nervous system function.

Flax seed oil - contains high levels of vitamin B, fiber and Omega-6 and Omega-9.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Grocery Store Staples: Foods to get attached to, Part 2

Welcome back my dear friends!

In continuation of our Grocery Store Staples, we've got some great clean healthy food options to get hooked on. Diving head first into our next group of delicious dining options to keep you fueled throughout the day and keep your health and waistline in check. This week we are talking...

Complex Carbohydrates!

Contrary to this new belief that 'carb' is a four-letter word, when eaten in the correct form (complex rather than simple), carbohydrates become an integral part of your nutritional plan and your wellness. (For more information on the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates click HERE.) 

Why you need them

Plain and simple, carbs are sugar. When consumed in complex form they are digested slowly and are responsible for providing over half the amount of energy we get from our food each day. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, this important food group promotes healthy bodily functions such as, heartbeat, digestion and body movement. 

What to buy

Grab some yams! - grilled, baked or mashed and smashed... adding cinnamon and dates makes for a sweet escape.
Get fruity - Berries are the lowest calorie option but an apple or banana post workout will help replace the glycogen (sugar) in your muscles to aid in recovery. 
Keep Wholly graining - Whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice are great options. (Check out my killer oatmeal recipe.) 
Beanies - Lentils: try mixing with brown rice and caramelized onions. Garbanzos: Hummas anyone? Black, white, yellow and red... Great sources of protein and carbs!

Because of their dense nutrient rich structure, you will feel full longer - Hit this food group at breakfast to fuel your day and try not to grub on them after dinner to keep that tummy in check. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Grocery Store Staples: Food to Get Attached To - Part 1

What do you see first when you stroll into the market? 

The natural flow of the store puts you directly in the produce section... So many options of GREEN - Yet how much of your cart is filled with food items in boxes, packages, wrappers and cans?


In the next few weeks we are talking about grocery store staples that need to be in your cart - every week - replacing processed and/or frozen foods that are lacking proper nutrition for your rockin' body. 

Check out this fun photo as a good way to get your mindset into healthy shopping:

(Oh, by the way, YOU deserve to feed your body nothing but goodness... because you are GOOD - and you are what you eat.)

Staple #1: Dark leafy greens

Why buy organic?

The soil in which organic vegetables are grown is nutrient rich and the plants are pesticide free... therefore the items harvested taste better and are full of the nourishment intended for our bodies. Buying organic also supports local farmers.

The price of organic foods can be a bit higher than fits our budgets on a regular basis, but there are a few items that we should always buy organic to reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals.

What to buy:

Spinach: Raw, steamed or sauteed... always have it!
Asparagus: Great broiled, grilled or steamed and acts as a natural diuretic.
Kale: Use in shakes, steam it, saute it.
Broccoli: Great raw or steamed!

Alright GNS followers... Due to technical difficulties this blog post has come to an abrupt close via iPhone. I hope the information I've included (prior to the tragic death of my laptop/VCR/coffee table) has been informative and I will conclude our segment on the importance of greens as a staple in your diet as soon as I am up and running again. Video included as I cannot include attachments with this application. My apologies!

Go get something green to eat :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What to expect when you're expecting... to get fit

You want to eat clean, work out mean and start feeling and looking like a queen... But embarking on this lean lifestyle seems overwhelming and unattainable. Aren't you tired of the feeling that you've failed every time you attempt a lifestyle change and don't follow through?

Maybe all you need are the right tools to supply your arsenal of reasons why you CAN do this.

You CAN have it all and you deserve it all.

Its time. You're ready to take that first baby step to living fit physically and emotionally.

Stick with me you driven divas - here at Gravel and Stilettos I am going to be taking you all on an adventure. Over the next six weeks I will be writing the usual weekly blog, only now I will be supplementing the written information with video!

Be sure to subscribe by email so you don't miss a thing! Do it now!

My number one goal is to provide information that will help you choose a healthier life every second of everyday.

Get excited!

To kick things off next week I will be talking about what nutritional staples need to be on your grocery list. I will also discuss how to read labels to choose the best options to achieve your fitness and nutrition goals.

Remember, if there is anything you'd like me to touch on specifically please don't hesitate to contact me directly at