Sunday, December 30, 2012

21 Day Challenge - Go find YOUrself.

Why challenge yourself? Why push yourself to the limit? .....Because you might just find YOUrself in the process.

Creating a challenge in your life inspires the person you think you are to become the person you were meant to be.
It has been proven time and time again, that when you create a situation that threatens normalcy - it can be uncomfortable because you are forced to change. Changing - becoming something new.
change   [cheynj]  Show IPA verb, changed, chang·ing,noun.
verb (used with object) make the form, naturecontent, future course, etc., of(something) different from what it is or from what it would be ifleft alone:  
I has also been proven that the real world happens outside of your comfort zone. Force yourself to stretch and you have no choice but to reveal a renewed version of you that you will - without doubt - be proud of.

So what makes your a little sick-to-your-stomach to think about doing? 

Vicki Garcia ( told me about a year ago that I should be doing something every week that makes me feel like barfing. If its uncomfortable - do it anyway... I was amazed to watch my life, my REAL life, manifest itself into existence before me. I was strong enough to grow and no one can ever take that from me. Ever experience being powerful? Its addicting.

It takes 21 days to break and/or create a habit.

For 2013, I'm taking 21 days out of January to be completely alcohol and gluten free. Why? Because I'm curious to see what a difference I'll feel. Neither of these items are regularly in my diet, however I know I'm capable of anything I put my mind to and pushing myself to change and become better version of me is totally worth it.

Whatever it is for you - breaking a habit, creating a new one, doing something you've never done before or doing something you do everyday differently - pick something and start planning! 

Heres how:

1. Make a list of those things that pull you out of your comfort zone and challenge you mentally. 
2. Choose ONE to focus on.
3. Figure out why this one specific thing is important to you and create a mindset around it being ultimately compelling to achieve.
4. Discover what road blocks you can see getting in the way or triggers that might hinder your success.
5. Invent ways to avoid these situations at all costs. Your life depends on it.
6. Visualize what could be possible after you complete the challenge. 
7. Surround yourself with images, notes, texts... anything that reminds you of reaching your goal. 
8. Take it one day at at time and reach out for support if you need it. 
9. Reward yourself - Affirm your strength and dedication to yourself.
10. Repeat steps 1-9 ;)

Raise the stakes. Be the best you. Get inspired wellness. - Lauren Rae

Grilled Salmon Burger with Mashed Acorn Squash and Green Bean & Broccoli Slaw with Almonds

What you'll need:

Frozen salmon burgers from whole filets
1/2 bag of broccoli slaw from Trader Joe's
1/2 bag of fresh cut green beans
2 tbsp sliced almonds
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
2 acorn squash
Almond Milk
Grade B maple syrup

Slice your acorn squash in half and remove seeds. Place inside-up on a baking sheet and drizzle each piece with the grade B maple syrup. Poke the halves with a fork and let the syrup down into the holes. Bake at 350 for 1 hour or until soft enough to scoop out of the shell. While the squash is baking,  heat up your grill! When the squash is done, scoop out of the shell (AFTER they are cooled of course) and mash together in a bowl adding the desired amount of almond milk until smooth and creamy.

Heat coconut oil in a sautee pan over medium-high heat and add green beans. Cook until almost done and add the almonds and broccoli slaw and cook until they are soft. I like to add cayenne and salt-free seasoning... I also sometimes add minced garlic for an extra kick! Get creative and add seasonings that you like.

Grill your burgers to desired temperature, pair with your side dishes and enjoy :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Paleo Perfect Abs: Your fool-proof guide to healthy eating

Nothing says fancy like fresh herbs....

So as I'm preparing my new favorite side dish - L-Rae's Paleo Perfect Spaghetti Squash - I got to thinking... Why do people find it so hard to eat clean? My meal prep for the week never lasts longer than an hour and I'll be damned if prepping for clients (i.e. 20+ meals at a time) has ever taken more than 2 hours. Grocery shopping is an annoyance that happens to everyone. So while you're there, why not get food that's going to give you energy, heal and nourish your body and get you those abs you've been dying to see?


Registered Dietitican, National Mens Physique competitor and personal trainer extraordinaire, Tim McComsey is famous for saying, "Diet is 80% of the battle when it comes to weight loss. If you're not seeing results and you're working out... chances are somethings gotta change in your diet."
We need protein, fat and carbs in our diets in varying amounts depending on our goals. Do you have any idea what your ratio looks like? If not -- Keep a food diary for 3 days... It might surprise you.

I generally follow a Paleolithic Diet...  basically a hi-protein, hi-fat, glorified low-carb diet. Is it the answer for everyone? No. has it and does it work for me? YES! Click here to get the book

Based on the diet of our ancestors, this dietary guideline consists of foods that could easily be hunted or gathered during paleolithic times. For example: All natural meats, nuts, berries, roots ect. NO dairy, NO refined sugar and NO added salt, chemicals or preservatives. This diet has worked wonders for many people because it emphasises the importance of a clean diet of healthy fat and protein.

Sounds confusing and pretty restricting if you've never done any research on it so....

Here's a fool-proof guide to healthy eating:

1. Know what you want before you shop

You're more inclined to eat something that sounds and tastes good. Know what you're hungry for and plan your shopping list accordingly. Practice using foods that are easy to prep and taste great hot or cold.

2. Choose wisely


Foods that follow your meal plan
Food items that are on your prewritten shopping list
Green Leafy vegetables
Lean all natural animal meats
Healthy fats: Almond butter, coconut oil, avocado.
Food that consists of less than 10 ingredients (And you should be able to pronounce them all!)

Don't Buy:

Food items that are in a bag box or can (Exception: Organic food items such as organic canned beans.)
Food that has more than 5grams of sugar
Foods that markets "Fat-free" or "Sugar-free"
Food that your grandmother couldn't have gotten 60 years ago
Food that your grandmother wouldn't eat. Period.

3. Make time to prepare

Schedule an hour 2 times a week to cook your meats and sides ahead of time. Having healthy, lean options pre-made will help you from eating out or grabbing something unhealthy on the go.

4. Be prepared

Pack your food for the day and bring it with you - wherever you go! 
**How I donned my nick-name Snack-Pak**

5. Plan a meal to reward your dedication to healthy eating

Have a reward meal once a week. Its GOOD for you... and it will keep you motivated to keep your head on straight and work towards your goals the rest of the week. 
No one ever accomplished anything without sacrificing something else.
Do something good for yourself already. Determine your goals, make a plan... and get to it!