Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3 Weight Loss Secrets

Too many hours in the car and sheer boredom and you'd find me playing the "-ation" game. I don't remember who taught it to me, but MAN do I love beating people at this game! The goal is to list as many words as possible that end in "-ation" until there are none left... and I win again.

I thought I'd do a spin on this game and discuss 3 issues that can inhibit fat loss and even cause weight gain:

Inflammation ~ Hydration ~ Constipation


The foundation of disease... the secrets out, inflammation is making us fat and sick! 

Inflammation is a tricky subject so bare with me. Taken directly from, Angelo Druda teaches us that, "Excess sugar in the blood stream causes the pancreas to excrete excess insulin. Regular ingestion of sugar causes the body to become resistant to insulin's sugar clearing effects. Since insulin promotes the storage of fats, weight gain quickly ensues. With little more than a teaspoon of sugar a day, inflammation levels begin to significantly increase. Elevated levels of inflammation dramatically accelerate degeneration in the body and can lead to a host of cell damaging diseases, that greatly reduces longevity."

Powerful stuff... motivation to read labels and set down the soda!

Foods that act as a natural anti-inflammatory 

  • Omega 3 fatty acids and other healthy fats and oils such as:
    • Fish oil, olive oil, caster oil, grape oil, coconut oil, ect.
    • Flax seeds, avocado and salt-free nuts
  • Fruits that are low in sugar and leafy green vegetables such as:
    • Berries, broccoli, chard and spinach
  • Protein sources such as:
    • Plant based proteins like legumes, nuts and seeds
    • Lean poultry, fish and seafood

Foods that cause inflammation

  • High fat meats
    • Red meat, bacon and sausage
  • Sugar
    • Pre-sweetened cereals, beverages, desserts, ect.
  • Highly processed foods: 
    • Refined white flours, bread and pasta
(L-Rae Rule: If its in a box, can or bag -- DON'T EAT IT)
Become aware of the causes and symptoms of inflammation and introduce foods into your diet that will fight it naturally.


We've all heard of 'water weight' and its effect on the scale. Are you using it as an excuse for your weight? Either way - It can be controlled.

One of the biggest reasons for water weight gain is dehydration. Consuming your body weight in ounces is the general rule to getting enough water to keep our bodies working properly. (For example, I weigh 110 lbs so I practice drinking a gallon of water each day which is 128oz) If it seems over whelming, break it into smaller sips throughout the day. 

Any extra water you're consuming today is better than yesterday, right??

Benefits of hydration include:

  • Joint lubrication
  • Assists in removing toxins from the body
  • Increases mental focus and performance
  • Helps energize the body
  • Keeps skin looking and feeling young
  • Assists in fat loss
In addition, thirst is generally misinterpreted as hunger.... so DRINK UP!


Everyone has experienced it, no one likes it. You could be walking around with several extra pounds. Does that make you full of...? Never mind. 


  • Inadequate water intake
  • Inadequate fiber in diet
  • A disruption in or inadequate exercise or mobility
  • Excessive consumption of dairy products
  • Stress
  • Medications
Whatever the cause of your discomfort, it is important to identify it and address for many health reasons.

(Now that you've read 3 Weight Loss Secrets... Share the wealth! Facebook and Twitter love to see my GNS blogs :) Keep Rockin' - Lauren Rae)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

5 minute checkin to awareness

Have you ever felt lost? Frustrated with yourself? Work is mundane, your relationships are struggling, there's never enough time or money... And don't even get me started on health and fitness!! Everything and everyone begs for your attention - you're spread too thin, and continually forget about your compelling future.

We've all been there! When I find myself getting distracted from my goals, commitments and dreams... I realize it's time to check-in.

Awareness is defined as: noun
1. the state or condition of being aware; having knowledge; consciousness.

I have made a commitment to living a clean lifestyle - yet halfway through a piece of chocolate wedding cake last night I came to a screeching halt and thought... Wait a minute! This isn't a working part of my meal plan! I immediately felt guilt and 20lbs heavier. How can an inanimate object cause me a bad feeling?? It can't. I was letting my thoughts fuel bad feelings that had nothing to do with the food itself.

Will chocolate cake kill me? No.
Is it in my nutritional plan and will it help me reach my fitness goals? No.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all
About moderation... BUT if the actions you choose don't work FOR you, chances are you haven't been specific in your awareness of your goals and desires. And you're not choosing thoughts that inspire self improvement and overall wellness.

After I forgave myself for indulging unconsciously, I took 5 minutes to become consciously aware of my thoughts and feelings and wrote down my goals. At the top of the list I wrote: What am I committed to?

Commitment is defined as: noun
1. the act of committing.
2. the state of being committed.
3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.

What are you committed to? If you don't know, it's time to figure it out.

Chances are that everything in your experience you've asked for one way or another... So if you're unhappy and you don't FEEL GOOD - becoming aware of your deepest desires and honoring the steps towards attaining them is the most important thing you can do.

Here's how you can practice a 5 minute checkin:

1. Set a timer, if you can Facebook for any amount of time, you can practice self improvement for 5 minutes.

2. Take a few deep breaths and ask yourself, "In this moment - how do I feel?" Then practice respecting your feelings regardless if they are negative or positive. Be honest and kind with yourself.
Ex: I feel badly for eating chocolate cake because it does not work for me and the lifestyle I've chosen and does not help me reach my goals. How can I do better next time?

3. How do you WANT to feel? CHOOSE thoughts that will result in that desired feeling.
Ex: I am a capable fitness Professional! This minor sidetrack has the potential to help others choose different actions.

4. Now determine how you are going to get there.... Write down the goals you desire to reach and BE SPECIFIC!!

If you want to learn to surf be the end of summer, consider time, money, diet, fitness, sleep... Ect. And start with thoughts that will spark positive action immediately.

Do you have 5 minutes? Try it now!

Joy is abundantly flowing -- tap in!

Life is an INCREDIBLE blessing and we have been designed to enjoy our experience and share it with others. Checking in with yourself and your commitments periodically can fast-track you to a joy filled life.

For more information on how you can discover your desires and reach goals that continually build YOUR compelling future, please contact Lauren Rae at - For Gravel and Stilettos specials, Please mention GNS812 in your email subject!

And always remember: